AuctionAds Increase Payouts Starting June 1st

The best get better! eBay USA [[EBAY]] has announced a more lucrative tier structure effective June 1st. AuctionAds has indicated that they will be passing on the higher tier payouts to affiliates.

The new eBay payout structure will really help the smaller affiliates, more than doubling commissions on new active users to eBay (without having to send large volume). Because [tag]AuctionAds[/tag] uses the top tier, increases are not as large but still significant.

Current AuctionAds Tiers

  • $22 per Registered Sign-up
  • 65% of eBay Revenue

New AuctionAds Tiers

  • $35 per Registered Sign-up
  • 75% of eBay Revenue

If you haven’t signed-up AuctionAds, do so now!