Performancing Says Bye Bye to Metrics
Today, Nick Wilson announced that [tag]Performancing[/tag] will kill Metrics as of the end of December. Evidently, the 16,000+ users are a huge burden on their servers. They are looking at other options such as making Metrics open source or selling it. This decision is a big disappointment for bloggers as Metrics is one of the few stat packages that gives bloggers an indication of when and from where they are getting [tag]Adsense[/tag] clicks.
Without Metrics, will bloggers say bye bye to Performancing? This blogger thinks so. I suppose it’s more fun making money with ads than giving stats aways for free. However, the Performancing ad network is just getting off the ground. And, bloggers have an ever-growing list of monetization choices with limited available space. Without Metrics, Performancing will be left with mediocre forums, a blog editor, and those over-sized ads. Bad move Performancing.
Update May 1, 2007: Metrics is back and it’s better than ever! Read pMetrics Blog Analytics – the best STATS ever?
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