Internet World Stats

Internet World StatsInternet World Stats is an international website featuring up-to-date free worldwide internet usage statistics for over 233 countries and world regions.

Some interesting facts: Asia and Europe have more internet users (394M and 308M, respectively) than North America (229M), however, North America has the highest regional penetration rate at 69.1% of the population. The top three countries by penetration rate are Iceland (86.8%), New Zealand (76.3%), and Sweden (74.9%).

What is shocking is how many countries have internet penetration rates of less than 1%. Among those are: Afghanistan (0.1%), Burundi (0.3%), Congo (0.2%), East Timor(0.1%), Laos (0.4%), Myanmar (0.1%), and Sierra Leone (0.4%).

You can read the introduction or go right to the Big Picture Page. It is worth the time to look around the site. It’s well-organized and the pages are fast-loading.


Here are their requirements for a person to be an internet user:

  • The person must have available access to an Internet connection point, and
  • the person must have the basic knowledge required to use web technology.