Aviran’s ‘Digg This‘ Plugin for WordPress is a masterful piece of code in use by thousands of bloggers. The plugin requires that you put a line of code in your template. [Not always an easy process to find the right spot.]...
I am huge fan of [tag]WordPress[/tag]. Don’t get wrong. It is simply the best piece of blogging code is existence. The Famous 5-Minute Install is near bullet-proof! And, 1,273,296 downloads speak for themselves. The iminent release of v2.05, however, looks to...
[tag]Performancing[/tag] Partners new blog ad network is in pre-launch with a sign-up push prior to going live. The model is direct advertising for a monthly flat fee basis based on recommended CPM for category type, and CPA (cost per acquisition). Most...
Why does one need a plugin at all? That is the first question. Yes, you can paste Google AdSense code directly into your [tag]Wordpress[/tag] [tag]blog[/tag] template files. If you only want AdSense in your header, siderbar, or footer – you are...
Vanessa Fox (Google Product Manager) unveiled new features this week on the Official [tag]Google[/tag] [tag]Webmaster[/tag] Central Blog that have been added to Google’s Webmaster Tools. What’s new? Googlebot activity reports Crawl rate control Enhanced image search Number of URLs submitted Check...
Internet World Stats is an international website featuring up-to-date free worldwide internet usage statistics for over 233 countries and world regions. Some interesting facts: Asia and Europe have more internet users (394M and 308M, respectively) than North America (229M), however, North...
One weak point of [tag]WordPress[/tag] is the lack of security for the login. Ok, there is not much to steal in a blog. However, hackers have made a mess of popular blogs on several occassions. Owen Winkler posted an unreleased plugin...